My sister is coming down for the weekend and we’re going to get her coupon binder set up or at least packed full of coupons, lol. She’s got most cut out but separating them is the issue and I’m sure we’ll do some trading because she doesn’t need diapers and I don’t need…well I don’t know what I don’t need but what I don’t need, I’m sure she will need. She’s bringing my only nephew, T. I like when he’s here. I think it’s important for cousins to spend time together and let’s face it, I don’t have any nieces and he’s the only nephew so we gotta make sure he’s included as family has always been important to me no matter how much other relatives think differently. They know who they are and I’m saying it here because they won’t be reading it, bahaha. Yeah, they suck and I don’t hang with sucky people, or maybe they don’t hang with non-sucky people.
G took me outside today once he got home from work and showed me a beautiful St. Patrick’s Day green pool!!!! He as sweetly as possible said, “This is what happens when someone forgets to put the chlorine dispenser back in the pool once they take the babies out.” Yes he did!! He blamed me! While it “may” have been me who took it out, I wasn’t the last one out and even though I “was” the last adult out, I was handling two almost two year olds and getting them in the house before they made a run to jump back in the pool. Oh, like he could have handled taking two toddlers out of a pool, taking off their ring floats, swim vest, swim diapers, put towels around them and get them in the house without slipping on the tile or hardwood floor to the living room where they would get a diaper and clothes back on by himself and THEN remember to put the chlorine dispenser back in!!!!!! Well, it was a nice color green.
I’m going to do my best to try Zumba tomorrow with the natives running around. Of course, I’m wondering if I’ll be kicking or kneeing one of them or even holding one while swiveling my hips, step 1, step 2. It should be interesting to say the least and although I’m nervous about doing it while they are up, I don’t want to wait until their naptime because I’ll need a shower by then I’m sure and there is always a chance I’ll need a nap too. And since they seem to know when I want time to take something like that 10 minute nap I’ll end up with, I've got to do what I can before the natives do their war dance at their bedroom door when they proclaim nap time over. I’ll keep you posted on whether they decided to help me exercise to Zumba, rolled around and laughed at my uncoordinated dancing, cried because mommy was stepping all over them, knocking them down or if they got their daddy’s DNA when it comes to dancing salsa and made me look like a 2 year old just learning to walk.
One more day survived. WooHoo!!
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