Yesterday instead of working on the gate to the pool, hubby decides to clean out the shed. I mean I understand. He can’t get to his tools to do the gate after all. So, for 2 days he’s been cleaning out the shed. I have found pictures of when my teenagers were babies, their report cards and drawing as well as writing projects from 1st and 2nd grade. I even found my yearbooks from high school and my old wedding bands from what’s his face. But I love those rings. We were broke as hell and they were small but beautiful. I know I’m a softy. OK, sorry for the tangent. Hubby has been cleaning out this shed and it’s big as a garage and I end up out there helping because let’s face it, if I’m out there he’ll get it done faster, right? Well we sorta did…until I saw the first snake! Hubby and A1 both stop and look. Snake’s heading south and hubby misses seeing him slithering out. So, we move on and hubby breaks out one of the shop vacs and I’m thinking, “I’m not vacuuming out here too!” I’m not! He’s touched the vacuum inside probably 5 times in 2 years, he can damn well clean up this mess on his own. His momma taught him how to vacuum, I’m sure??? I think. Well either way, he’s doing it not me! And let me just say, I’m glad he did vacuum!!! Because he found the next two snakes!!! Yep, my husband hates snakes so much, as soon as he saw them, he said, “SNAKE!!! Get out!” and he proceeded to leave the shed…with the vacuum still on and me and A1 standing there say, “Where?” He has already made it into the house to get the pistol and is loading it on the way back out. Funny, that one little snake was in a minnow trap and ended up having two heads! Two bodies! Two tails! So two snakes in one. Pow! Pow! Dead! Those were black snakes, today’s snake was a water moccasin and the babies had just been out there with me about 20 minutes before I heard the shot of the day. G says, “Uh-Oh”! I said, “Yep, daddy got another snake”. It’s been dark for over an hour and he’s still out there getting stuff BACK in because it’s going to rain tomorrow and those piles he’s making now will be there next year as well as more “stuff”. But I can live with it as long as he gets those damn pool gates up sometime this year.
A1 is at a baseball game and I’m seriously going to the one tomorrow with the natives. Should be fun for all and even though I’ll be there, I’m just hoping I get to see him hit the ball one time because the natives didn’t let me watch anything after the first 5 minutes the last time we went to see A1’s game. And while I’m on the subject of A1 and his ball games, he had to drive 2 hours to the one today. I gave him money to fill the car up and get something to eat as well as him taking some sports drinks with him. That boy opened his wallet, saw the money (I know he did, I put it in there) and then said, “What do you want me to use to fill up the car”? I kid you not! I mean I know my mind is half way gone but I do remember what I did an hour earlier…at least most of the time, let it be a day or so and you’ve got a shot at getting one over on me.
A2 has STILL not finished his school year! Yep, this tug of war saga is still on-going. So…since he has gotten out of helping clean out the shed and the yard and I am such a wonderful, sweet, kind, giving and loving mother. I gave him the day off from school work and put him to work outside in the shed with hubby! Yep, bet he’s wishing I wasn’t so nice now, huh? He’s out there getting mosquito bites as we speak, I know! Bahaha. But I’m starting to feel guilty and was thinking of letting him have a break tomorrow and do school work instead. See? I AM nice!
The natives were in the pool yesterday before bed. The hardest part about them getting into the pool…is getting them out. They scream and cry and if they could talk, they’d be screaming I was killing them and they would hate me for the rest of their lives. These two give me the best highlight of the day by screaming like they do. So I get the ring floats and safety suits off, strip them down to bare butts, get the towels around them and head into the house and they shut up. Guess they know when the battle is over and they will save it for another day. And I’ll be honest, the biggest reason they got in the pool? Because I didn’t feel like giving them baths. I know. I’m lazy. I’m a bad mom. I can live with it, they were clean when they got on their pajamas. Or at least to any social worker looking on, they were. And I let them stay up until 7:15pm. I know, I know, don’t praise me, I’m not such a stickler for bedtimes. But seriously, within 5 minutes of getting good night kisses, they were dreaming of matchbox cars and baby dolls or tomorrows little mommy troubling moments. 

Oh and let me mention, as for coupons, hubby went with me to the store this week and even though I used him as another person for my two transactions and his cart had 10 bottles of laundry soap and softener, I think he’s finally on board. Of course he was dogging me on the way home about how the laundry might actually get done now. After almost 6 years of marriage, he STILL doesn’t know me very well. I love the idea of having clean clothes but I’m a last minute kind of person. I mean if he wants the laundry done right then, he can’t expect me to fold them and get all the wrinkles out! He can deal with having laundry done at the last minute and no wrinkles or he can do it! So…I guess I won that round, huh? So, shut the front door! I don’t want to hear it, lol. I love him but he needs to think about who he’s talking to first.
The oldest will be home in a few hours (sometime in the AM), the second oldest is still outside with hubby, the natives are in bed and I’m getting ready to take a shower and maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll shave the tree trunks off my legs this time…if I’m lucky.
One more day survived. WooHoo!!
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