I did not want to get up this morning. I had just gone to sleep. I know. It was 2:30 in the morning. It’s only 6:50 in the morning when G decides everyone should get up. Uugghh. So…G, Z and myself arrive downstairs at 7am.
I’m feeling lazy this morning and I must have slept wrong because my back is killing me, so I make their milk sippy cups and they start guzzling them down like a frat party contest, except without the funnel. Then I’m thinking, maybe instead of cereal this morning, they might want something really easy…a poptart!!! OK, they go for it and run off to the living room because it’s the one place they can go that still has blue carpet with clean spots. All of a sudden, all hell has broken loose. Z has taken G’s half of the poptart and he wants it back!! Now!! So I do the normal thing and tell her to give it back and that we don’t take other people’s food, blah, blah, blah. She looks at it and then licks it!!! G is screaming bloody murder. Z is slowly licking the frosting on the pop-tart while looking at her brother to see what he thinks!! That girl is spiteful!! That girl is mean!! That girl is going to make my hair go white before she is 10!! That girl is not allowed to play truth or dare!! That girl is not going on a date until she’s 21!! Uugghh!! Poor G, he’s going to have a sister who will torture him as they get older. I’m nervous, scared, and starting to fear for the natives as they get older. G will do things just because he can, Z will do things just because you say she can’t!! Ooiyah.
I have started to bribe G. The natives think that anything is up for grabs because well…they see their big brothers doing it or it’s within possible reach if they move this and climb that. Anyways, G wants a piece of cheese, he opens the fridge and goes for it. I have to tell him I will get it but he can’t open the fridge or I will pop his butt. He looks at me with an “AS IF!” look on his face. Now I do pop their butts but it’s more of a, Well, I showed them kinda thing instead of a Ouch mommy hit me kinda thing. So yesterday, G wanted bubbles but it was naptime. He doesn’t care, he wants bubbles!! So what do I do? Yep, tell him we will do bubbles after your nap. OK, he looks at me like he is wondering if he can trust me and then goes to get his sock monkey for nap time. Nap time is over and about 3 minutes after coming back downstairs he walks over to the counter and yells for the bubbles!! Yes, yell!! So… big brother A1 plays with the bubbles and the natives. It’s really adorable. Now, today we need to go to the store but it has to wait until after nap time. Yep, I had to bribe him again. As soon as he gets up from nap time, he gets his crocs and his sisters’ crocs and screeches for me to help put them on so we can go. 20 minutes after that…we are on our way to the store. This child scares me. He has a great memory and he doesn’t forget anything! My answers to him will sooner rather than later become, “I don’t know. We’ll see.” Pretty fast I’m thinking.
I do want to at least post here that I went to 3 stores. I got nothing at the first, 2 packs of razors and 4 packs of baby wipes for $7. Then I went to the last store and bought 2 bottles of fabric softener, tax was .20 (yep, twenty cents) and I ended up giving the cashier .18 (yep, eighteen cents). I thought those were pretty good deals. I’m heading to my sister’s tomorrow so I can get a few more deals. I’m going to try to get 4 different deals for under $20 total. I’m gonna try anyways.
One more day survived. WooHoo!!
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