Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday or Twosday

Every Morning, I take my daughters PJ’s off and then she backs up away from me until she hits an inanimate object, then I have to beg her to come back. It’s a morning ritual to her so onward and upward. Her brother on the other hand feels that changing…anything…is cause for running and hiding and I’m already too tired to chase the natives and it’s only 8:30am! So, I sit on the floor and wait for one to get close enough to grab before getting past me.. The only time they run to me seems to be when I’m handing out Gummie Bear vitamins.

My son seems to think morning is a time for him to get everything to eat he can, while he can?? What? Milk, cheerios, chex, and a brownie are not enough for this boy the first 2 hours he’s awake. No wonder he’s 28lbs, while his sister is 22lbs soaking wet.

The natives can’t talk, or at least let me say, they have a total of 19 words between them so almost every freakin’ thing out of their mouths’ is… eeeeeehhhh or aaaaaahhhhhh. Yep, that means sooo much in this house. Sign language worked for a bit but they don’t want to know anything more in sign language then please, dada, more and all done. AND my favorite signed word is, All done too.

As I lay on the couch with one native laying on my side and the other standing next to us at the couch with a book, my daughter decides to climb up with her cute little new dress and I notice…her PJ pants are still on???? Huh??? What??? Oh!! That’s why we could only put her top in the dirty clothes <smacks self in head>.

Now since I home-school my 16 year old for the last year which is 10 more days. I try to get him up from 8:20am on. Let me just say, the reason this is his last year is because…well, I just don’t want to look at him 24/7 and public school will get him out of my hair for at least 9 hours a day. I’m gonna enjoy getting him out the door at 6:30am, bahaha. He’s a good kid, but lazy!!! And I blame that all on his dad, my ex. He does of course get his smarts from me and has good grades, so at least one thing will be less worrisome in August, lol, I hope? Who am I kidding, I’m the biggest worrier around and I get crazy when I worry. Rosanne has nothing on me…well, except I don’t chew gum. But I will probably have to start because I’ll probably be trying to bite my tongue getting out all the positive stuff without him realizing I just want to smack him up side the head like DiNozzo  on NCIS.

One more day survived. WooHoo!!

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