OK, I did a really cool and fun thing yesterday. I went to the store and used coupons! Granted I didn’t buy the week’s worth of groceries but I kicked rabbit turds all the way across the store, lol. I had 36 coupons and saved so much! It was really cool and I wanted to smile but didn’t want to feel like one of those extreme couponer’s on TV. Of course I saved 53% of the bill but it was nowhere near thousands of dollars like those ladies. But all in all…I was pretty damn happy with myself. I got out of the house and I bought ketchup and Gatorade for a few pennies as well as got paid to buy mustard and BBQ sauce.
So tonight I’m sitting there and have my list for another store I want to go to and take hubby with me. I’m thinking, we can both split the coupons and following the rules we can get double the savings, right? Right? Well, that’s what I’m thinking. Before we get out the door, I’m asking hubby how much such and such cost? I don’t know! Why? Because I don’t do the shopping. I don’t leave the house, remember? The only time I get to leave the house it seems is when I’m getting a PAP smear or mammogram. I’m actually thinking of scheduling a few of them a year just for some adult interaction. But…I digress. My husband is a big, I mean BIG Sam’s club shopper (I personally think that’s how he relieves stress, shopping). So…NO MATTER what I’m wanting to get with coupons and end up paying two cents for, my husband thinks Sam’s has the better deal. I know! What? Did we just walk into a parallel universe? I don’t know. I’m ticked. I’ve spent quite a few hours setting up this 3 ring binder, getting the policies for each store, printing and cutting coupons, setting up spreadsheet grocery list (yes, I did) and dividing the coupons with the lists if needed. I don’t understand, can someone explain to me or draw a picture or give me a clue on what is going on in his head. I’m not trying to pay $2 for $1,000 worth of ketchup and mustard but damn! Give me a little support or credit or help or whatever I freakin’ need. I support you and I “expect” you to support me. And for those wondering…snoring on the couch DOES NOT COUNT!
Now, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not that big but in my little teeny tiny world, right now, it is. See yesterday, I got to spend $67 and today one of the AC units broke in one of the apartments and he got to spend $1600…seems fair, right? Seems equal, right? Seems ridiculous, right? Well, it isn’t. I mean, I was happy I saved half the cost of what I bought and it’s no big deal or at least it’s, “Not bad for just starting.” But if he gets to save say, 1/200th of the cost of something, it’s a BIG freakin’ deal!!
I ended up not going to the one store tonight because I was pissed and he had already been dosing for 30 minutes and then asked about going at 8:20pm when we live 30 minutes away and I’m still wearing what I slept in last night. So no I didn’t go and maybe I could have just gotten ready earlier or went earlier or whatever but I didn’t. So…tomorrow I get to go through coupons and throw away the ones that expire in less than 2 hours.
While I'm going through the coupons, guess I'll use a few and get some V-8's. I need "something" to chase down the vodka, right?
Side note: The natives have been really clingy the last week. Nobody can kiss boo-boo’s better than me. And just in case you are wondering, no you can’t. I AM THE SHIT! Just ask the natives. G has started to repeat one phrase over and over and over and over and did I say over again? Uh-Oh. That was it! Did you miss it? Uh-Oh. I’ll say it again just in case you’re didn’t hear it again because I have, at least 10 times each hour he was in my hearing. Uh-Oh.
One more day survived. WooHoo!!